Friends caste!


 I am 26 years old today, and my experience with castsim i am sharing in this blog post. I was thinking to share it other people and I think to write it so that it will reach to large number of people. 

   From my childhood to today I have faces the cast-ism everywhere where i was gone for studies or traveling. I am sharing a story of my mother or the village name THALI where i spent my 5 years of childhood. I belongs to SC caste and i have seen the discrimination by the upper caste from early days of my life. When I was able to understand the things I seen, how the upper caste people behave with you. It was the when in my village we our family don't have the water supply and that time people use to drink water from natural springs ( BAUDI ).  The baudi for the lower caste was far away from the village and we also live in outside the village my mother use to travel daily and Cary water from their.

  The another BIG BAUDI was nearby my house and we don't have to allow to fill the water from their every time when my ma goes to fill the vessels she has to calls the upper caste person for give her water.This is the story of that time, and other form of discrimination was also performed by not allowing us on their homes, angans they don't accept food or water from us. 

  This is not at all in my school days i am remembering that war a time when our school was celebrating annual day celebration i was serving tea to guest teachers from another school and our school teacher who know our caste refused to drink it.

  That was the time of 20 years 10 years back. People are still not changed. Many people still asks my caste before being my friend who don't ask and when they know about it they stay away and they also don't consider friend you. 

  Many upper caste youth have their own groups if you want to be a part of their group they just ignore you. They treat you respectively but you cant be their friend and they still dont drink water from you (THEY ARE GRADUATED AND MASTERS DEGREE WITH THEM) 

  It is the reality today!
